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Camera Link Digital PCI and PCI Express Frame Grabber Boards
The Grablink series is a range of high-speed PCI and Compact PCI frame grabbers for line-scan or area-scan digital Camera Link cameras. The Grablink series is ideal for industrial applications such as inspection of high-speed moving objects, web inspection or high-resolution acquisition.
Camera Link Euresys    
PCI Boards
im_value.gif (3440 bytes) Grablink Value
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Low Cost digital interface
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 24-bits @ 66MHz
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 8 MBytes onboard Memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Base Configuration - 24-bit @ 60MHz
im_value.gif (3440 bytes) Grablink Avenue
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Ultra Fast Camera Link interface
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) For Area and Line Scan cameras
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 32 MBytes onboard Memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Base Configuration - 24-bit @ 85MHz
im_exp.jpg (1593 bytes) GrabLink Expert 2
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Dual Channel input
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) For demanding applications
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 16 MBytes onboard Memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes)
Dual Base or Med configs-48-bit at
GrabLink Quickpack ColourScan
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Image pre-processing accelerated by FPGA
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Base configuration: 24-bit at up to 85 MHz   
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 128MByte onboard memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Four LUT operators
PCI Express Boards 
im_exp.jpg (1593 bytes) GrabLink FUL NEW
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Full, Medium or Base Congiguration
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Support for 10-tap cameras
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 128 MBytes onboard Memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 800MBytes DMA transfers
im_exp.jpg (1593 bytes) GrabLink Express 
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Power over Camera Link (PoCL)
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Support both area and Line scan cameras
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 32 MBytes onboard Memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Base Configuration - 24-bit @ 85MHz
GrabLink Quickpack CFA PCIe
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Image pre-processing accelerated by FPGA
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Base configuration: 24-bit at up to 85 MHz   
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) 128MByte onboard memory
glo_rightarrow_sm.gif (78 bytes) Four LUT operators
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