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DataQ Instruments
Windaq Lite/Pro/Pro+ Multitasking
Data Recording Software For Windows

DataQ Instruments WinDaq/Pro, WinDaq/Pro+, and WinDaq/Lite data acquisition software packages offer real time display and disk streaming for the Windows
environment. Their real time display can operate in a smooth scroll or triggered sweep mode of operation, and can be scaled into any unit of measure. Event markers with comments allow you to annotate your data acquisition session with descriptive information as you're recording to disk. Raise your productivity to new heights with their unique multitasking feature. Record waveform data to disk in the background while running any combination of programs in the foreground even WinDaq Waveform Browser playback software to review and analyse the waveform data as it's being stored!

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WinDaq/Lite is a version of WinDaq/Pro that works at the full sample rate of the instrument, but is restricted to a maximum throughput of 240 Hz when recording to disk.

WinDaq/Pro and WinDaq/Pro+ are identical in every respect except one: WinDaq/Pro+ allows you to tailor sample rate on a per channel basis. This is done by entering a sample rate divisor value (1 to 255) for each channel. Finally, affordable software geared to your specific recording requirements.


  • WinDaq Pro Fully featured data acquisition software includes WinDaq Waveform Browser
  • WinDaq Pro+ Fully featured data acquisition software includes WinDaq Waveform Browser
  • Free WinDaq Wave Form Browser Playback and analysis software for Windows with XY plotting, digital filtering, frequency domain, and statistical analysis
  • Free WinDaq/Lite 16-Channel recording software


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